
Thanksgiving 2012

So I guess I'm not in the holiday spirit.. I really can't pinpoint why or how it happened but it did.. Not that I'm not thankful that I am... Very extremely thankful I think it's the pomp and circumstance of it all.. Black Friday madness no sir no ma'am def not for me... I think in just ready to really be on the road overseas so I've just conditioned myself to be away during these times... I think Chrismas may offer me what I'm looking for... So I know I can be supper excited!! Hopefully lol


Window Seat..


Ok so there is all of this blah blah blah about Erykah Badu's Window Seat video... But I found a great  by

Durand Bernarr!!!!! 

He did a great job and and added a funny skit at the end.. I'll post more of his stuff later on... Enjoy it like I did and lil lamb can saaaaannnnggg.. Children betta sang for their bread and coins!

To me he is a cross between Tonex Bilal and Prince with a little Freddy Jackson sprinkled in... He has a fan in me...



New School Jam

Old School Jam!

New Feature !

Ok so I have these fantastic conversations with some of my friends and I figure why not share what we talk about with you guys! So in the form of a video upload I will share what we like to call "A Chat Over Coffee" and I hope you guys comment and enjoy! So tomorrow begins the first installment.. :) Nameste!


Songs That Are Really Talking To Me

Hey Lambs !

Ok so I have decided that Im gonna bite the bullet and....... Blog lol.. Awwww yaay!!!

Let's skip the shit and jump right in...

So far 2010 has been an interesting year.. I know for certain that the old me has gone up in flames.. And I soooooooo love it.. Im glad that some of the dumb things that I used to do I dont do anymore.. Now I can admit that there are a select few in my life who havent taken to kindly to my change.. But you know what.. I really dont give one good damn about it..

I want to see what this life has to offer me.. I dont want to just get up to go to a dead end job just to live check to check.. And then still be unhappy.. I want.....

TO BREAK FREE!!! Omg ! That song is so speaking to where I am right now..

Im so sick of people imposing their Ideas on who you should be were you should go, what you should wear or say... Im just ready to just cut EVERYONE off!!

What is a woman to do... I used to say that I was a little kid trapped in a adult body.. But I realize that I never had a childhood.. I just spent my time being angry and searching for approval from people who didnt really care and never thought to take the time to try to..

So it is with this information that I embark on this new journey.. And Im honest staying the way I was is so much easier.. Because then I wouldnt have to feel all the time..

But I rather hurt and be honest than to hide behind a fake smile.. AND cry my eyes out with every chance...

So I wish whom ever reads this note the courage to face life head on.. No matter the cost because an unexplored life is death to the soul!
